Red Cup Apparel




Hi, I'm Chris. I'm the face behind Red Cup Apparel! I make everything you order and I'm the person you'll interact with if you message any of my social media platforms. RCA is truly a one man operation; from patterning to posting, it's all handled by me.

I've been sewing for approximately three years solid and from the get-go my desire has been to create high quality, accurate replicas of the costume pieces you know and love.

I began focussing only on Han Solo costumes and I was only producing them for myself, but I was fortunate to have people put their faith in me and allow me to slowly begin taking commissions. Thus Red Cup Apparel was born.

From day one til now has been a really interesting, informative, and exciting journey and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Stay tuned to RCA on Instagram, Facebook, and of course Etsy to see all the new and exciting things coming in 2021 and beyond.

Thanks everyone!



Screen accuracy and embroidery

East Midlands, UK