

Fire Emblem

I did the sewing and armor. Many of the accessories were a kit purchased from Dangerous Ladies.


For this project I did use some existing patterns from another cosplayer that were readily available that I made to fit the client. Some of the accessories were a kit from Dangerous Ladies that the client had purchased that I took the time to finish and add to the costume. Any accessories she had not purchased I also got from Dangerous Ladies to do all the final finishing on. The armor was made by me.

Edelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplayEdelgard cosplay


I did the sewing and armor. Many of the accessories were a kit purchased from Dangerous Ladies.

Sewing / Armor / Painting / Cricut

