
Hikaru Shidou

Magic Knight Rayearth

3 Costumes, 2 from the Art Books and her Final Armor


All three of these outfits were for a single client. The armor was made with EVA foam with a dress underneath. The 2 artbook outfits use the same base dress that is then used for both final looks.

Hikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplayHikaru Shidou cosplay


3 Costumes, 2 from the Art Books and her Final Armor

Sewing / Patterning / EVA Foam / 3D Printing / Moldmaking / Resin Casting

