Studio Ghibli characters are lovable, memorable, and have touched the lives of many!
Which character should you cosplay given your personality? What MBTI is your favorite female character? Find out in this post below.
ISTP "Rebel" - San (Princess Mononoke)

Motto: rules are meant to be broken
The ISTP personality are fiercely independent, adventurous and bold. They are also quick learners, adaptable, and enjoy exploring the world with their hands and eyes. People with this personality learn through trial and error and aren't afraid to jump into the action!
This personality type is rare, and rarer in women, which is why they are often seen as tomboys. This personality is also loyal and are incredibly adventurous which makes them great to hang out with.
Growing up with wolves made San very perceptive of her surroundings and a natural problem solver. She is bold, curious and can be a little stubborn. San may not be great at reading and managing emotion and may appear fierce and tough to the outside world. But after she falls in love, she will show her soft side and be a loyal companion.
A few San cosplays we like are shared below (from left to right): Dailycosplay (cosplayer: Genimonster), Carbon costume (San cosplay tutorial by Diomira Keane), Geek x Girls (cosplayer: Tine Marie Riis)
ISTJ "Logistician" - Umi (Up on Poppy Hill)

Motto: do it right the first time
This personality tends to be reserved yet steadfast, with a rational outlook on life. They compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose. ISTJ are patient and enjoy working steadily towards a larger goal.
Logisticians care about holding people to their words, since they uphold their promises. ISTJ prefer facts, analysis, and careful planning rather than spontaneity and emotions.
Umi was known as "the girl who raises flags," because she raises signal flags every morning and takes them down every night. She is very disciplined and cares about her duties and promises she made, even though no one is watching.
ISFP "Adventurer" - Princess Kaguya (Tale of Princess Kaguya)

Motto: don't box me in
The ISFP personality is open minded, creative, and likes to live in the moment. They need freedom to explore and don't enjoy rigid confines of societal structures and rules.
They interact with the environment in an expansive way that allows them to take in new perspectives, experiment with new and novel concepts, and be open to spontaneous actions. They are also highly introspective and take stock of their internal thoughts and compass.
Princess Kaguya craves freedom and is often reminiscent of the simple days back in the countryside. She is not motivated by vanity, power, or fame which could have been attained if she married the noblemen who pursued her.
ISFJ "Protector" - Sophie Hatter (Howl's Moving Castle)

Motto: It's better to give than to receive
ISFJ are altruists and truly kind souls. They are warm, responsible, and very practical people moving through life in a grounded way.
The protector personality gives a lot to others often in a quiet way, which is why their kindness may sometimes go unnoticed. ISFJ values connection with others and generally have long and stable relationships.
Sophie is very compassionate and helps those around her. She is very responsible and takes her job very seriously such as cleaning every room in the castle. She is very giving and crave, and went to the Waste to attempt to save Miss Angorian.
See some gorgeous Sophie costumes from our favorite makers (from left to right). FD Cosplay Studio (left 2 images), Nix Cosplay
INTJ "Architect" - Shizuku (Whisper of the Heart)

Motto: Strong opinions lightly held
INTJ's tend to be private people with rich and complex thoughts on the inside. They like improving systems and are innovative problem solvers. Architect personalities are rational and very intelligent. They like to analyze everything around them from systems, to history, art, people and more.
INTJ is not afraid of speaking up for what they believe in and don't rely on the status quo.
Shizuku is creative and has a rich imagination, which is why she writes these fascinating stories. She is also very determined and analyzes the world around her (such as following and observing a cat) to work towards her goal of becoming a better author. She loves reading and is always curious and hungry for knowledge.
INFP "Idealist" - Chihiro (Spirited Away)

Motto: Making life kinder and gentler
INFPs are wildly creative and have vibrant inner worlds. This personality is sensitive to those around them and are very attune to the emotions expressed in art, music, films and such.
INFPs operate from their values, which is often an idealized version of the world. They are also empathetic and long for deep and meaningful connections with others.
Chihiro is very dedicated to the people she's connected to and helps them despite the potential harm it'll cause her. She is also quite emotional and we see her express herself in front of others as well as privately. She's empathetic and idealistic in her views towards the world.
Check out some great Chihiro cosplays below (from left to right): Devian Art photo, jirehleecosplay&ponjiee as Chihiro and No Face, underwater photo Project Nerd (cosplayer: song_x.x)
ENFJ "Giver" - Nausicaa (Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind)

Motto: Everyone needs fulfillment
ENFJ personalities strive to have a positive impact on others' lives which is why it's also known as the Giver type. They have a strong compass of what's right and their charisma attracts many to follow their lead.
They believe in strong connections with other and see cooperation as an important way to achieve progress. They feel a strong sense of fulfillment when they are able to guide their friends and loved ones into their best selves.
Nausicaa is loved by many because of her kindness and warmth. She is a natural born leader who is charismatic and and brave. she also committed an ultimate act of selflessness when she gave her life to save the people of the valley of the wind.
A few Nausicaa cosplays we like are: Miyu Inverse, Marzia dell'Orso, Breathelifeindeeply
ENFP "Motivator" - Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)

Motto: People are the product
ENFP are outgoing, lively, and very openminded. They are devoted to building deep social connections as well as reflecting on their inner worlds and thoughts.
This personality seeks out joy and fun in life, and something that they're interested in can spark an enormous amount of zeal and energy. They live with a strong sense of purpose that is in line with their values and beliefs.
Kiki is kindhearted, naΓ―ve, and open to new experiences. She begins the delivery service with much zeal and enthusiasm. However, when the initial rush wears off, she begins feeling doubt and slowly loses her powers due to the loss of purpose. However, after she regains her confidence through helping others, she jumps back into delivery with renewed passion.
ESTP "Entrepreneur" - Arrietty ( The Secret World of Arrietty)

Motto: Making the most of the moment
ESTP are energetic, live in the moment and are heavily biased to action. They'd rather jump in and learn from mistakes than to talk at length from a distance. ESTPs prefer facts to emotions and love exploring through observation and action. They are intelligent, perceptive and bold. ESTPs are not afraid of the path less traveled or rocking the status quo.
Arrietty is clever, resourceful and quick on her feet. She does not conform the the expectation that borrowers should be timid and out of sight, and instead builds a friendship with Sho. She is brave and has somewhat of a daredevil attitude that brings her excitement and new experiences in life.
ESFJ "Consul" - Princess Sheeta (Castle in the Sky)

Motto: everyone's trusted friend
ESFJ are caring and very Intune with the emotions of those around them They are charismatic, popular and true community leaders. They have a sense of right and wrong that is based on established order and rules. They enjoy giving their service and time to serve others and are very altruistic in nature.
Sheeta is kind and loving and attracts those around her as the film goes on. She has a strong sense of what's right and is very courageous when it comes to protecting those she cares about.
Check out our breakdown of MBTI types for Studio Ghibli's male characters!
Mengshu is a co-founder of Coscove. Growing up in Canada, Mengshu loved theatre, dance, and all things photography. She did photoshoots in costume before even learning what cosplay was! Find her on Coscove: