There's a lot of excitement as conventions are coming back in person. To make sure you have a fun time and stay healthy, check out this packing list for your next in person con!
The Health Compartment
Make sure you bring these items to ensure you stay healthy and safe during the gathering.
1. Water bottle
Making sure you stay hydrated during the day is probably the number 1 thins con-goer will tell you pre and post the pandemic. So make sure you bring a large water bottle and get plenty of fluids throughout the day.
2. Vitamin C
Adding a pack of vitamin C to your water can give you a quick boost in immunity. Conventions gathers so many people of different backgrounds, interests, and situations. That's the beauty of going to a con! But you want to be extra careful to make sure attending the con doesn't put you out of commission.
3. Mints/cough drops
You may be meeting and talking to a lot of people during the event. So make sure your throat stays comfortable with some cough drops.
4. Hand Sanitizer
You probably have tons of these stocked up from last year. Don't forget to bring a bottle or two or three, depending on how long you'll be at the con and how many people you will be attending with. Not everyone will remember to bring a bottle. So these may run out quickly after passing it around the group. The con most likely will have stations with hand sanitizer as well but do carry one on you just in case.
5. Sanitizing wipes
I like to wipe my things down after a few hours even though I use hand sanitizer regularly. When I sit down to eat or take off my mask, I wipe down the table just in case.
6. Mask
Carry a mask on you for good measure. There's a ton of cool decorated mask ideas and you can match your mask to your costume! I usually carry a mask in my pocket. I'm fully vaccinated so I don't wear it all the time anymore. But carrying it with me gives me that flexibility, especially when I'm entering a large crowd.
See some inspirations below and in this article from Cosplay Realm Magazine for more mask ideas!
7. Door opener
I got these handy little door openers during Covid, which I really like. They're super small and easy to carry and help me open doors without putting my hands on the public handle.
The Touchup Compartment
This compartment has what you need to look your best during the day.
8. Makeup and hair
I have a little pouch to put in a small mirror, some hairbands/bobby pins, and powder. If needed, I can do a quick touchup without going into the bathroom.
9. Sewing kit
In another pouch, you can carry some safety pins, needle and thread. Hopefully nothing will go wrong with your costume or outfit. But you discover anything not looking the way you want during the day, you can quickly pin it together or give it a few stitches.
The Tech Compartment
This section has what you need to stay connected with the world and with your devices.
10. Selfie stick
If you film vlogs or want to take lots of photos, make sure you bring a selfie stick with you. Even if you split up from friends for a bit, you can get still get decent photos of yourself and the background.
11. Portable charger
Your phone will run out of battery before you realize it during the con. We've all been there! You will met so many old and new friends, take so many photos and videos, post a few (hundred) stories, take calls to organize meetups - and before you know it, your battery is dead. Bring a charger to make sure your phone has the juice it needs, and that your day can keep going!
The Shopping Compartment
Bring these items to make sure you have what you need to carry the stuff you didn't know you'll get at cons.
12. Sleeves/file folders
Bring some sleeves/file folders for photo ops, artwork, or other document sized purchases you might get.
13. Tote bag
Bring an extra tote bag or canvas bag for other items (plushies, figurines, etc). This way, you won't have to cram everything into the original bag at the risk of damaging your other items.
14. Bag
Your bag to put everything in. If you have a character bag, great! If not, a plain bag will work perfectly as well. You can also put accessories or decorations on it to match your costume.
For Cosplayers
Of course, as cosplayers, we are used to traveling with a ton of luggage. All the pieces of one cosplay can number in the hundreds! As such, cosplays tend to steal our attention when planning. I ensure each piece is packed properly with the set. But somehow, there are always some essential items that get forgotten. Luckily, this Twitter thread is here to help:
HELLO COSPLAY TWITTER what are some last minute things you end up almost forgetting to bring to cons? i'm trying to make a packing list early so i don't forget anything 🥹
— 🖤gail 🖤🔜 OTAKON! (@notgojira) July 24, 2022
15. Wig caps & bobby pins
I'll be the first to raise my hand to being saved by wig vendors at conventions. Wig caps are so tiny that they're easily overlooked but so so important. Trying to stuff long hair under a wig with a wig cap is just futile. Trust me on that! And, of course, the robin to the batman of wig caps: bobby pins. Grab a handful and be prepared to lose them. I like to secure a couple to each wig cap so they are always packed as a set.
16. Comfortable clothes
Bring at least one set of comfortable, everyday clothes and at least one pair of non-cosplay shoes. You'll thank me later! Having a backup in these cases can be a life saver, even if it's just for dragging the suitcase out into the taxi.
17. Correct shoes
So I previously mentioned the many pieces of cosplay that need to be meticulously packed. But when I say cosplay... Did you imagine the shoes? I sure didn't. And I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It's actually shockingly easy to entirely forget about the matching shoes for a cosplay. Add it to the list while you're packing costumes!
Here's a checklist for the essentials to pack for comic con:

We put these tips to good use at Yeticon this year! But as usual, at least one thing was left behind - my wig cap! Luckily this time a well-stocked wig vendor had some for sale. Learn from my mistakes and double check before you go!
Mengshu is a co-founder of Coscove. Growing up in Canada, Mengshu loved theatre, dance, and all things photography. She did photoshoots in costume before even learning what cosplay was! Find her on Coscove: